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Citizenship Calculator

To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, applicants must meet physical residency requirement, please use the calculator below to determine whether you meet the residency requirements criteria.

A. Enter the date when you first came to Canada to live.

B. Enter the date you became a permanent resident of Canada.

C. How many Times you went Outside of canada between the day you first came to canada to live and the date you became a permanent resident?

D. Enter the date you will sign the application. If you do not know when you will sign the application or are only checking to see if you are eligible, put today's date.

E. How many Times you went Outside of canada after becoming a permanent resident?.

Your Name

Your Email

Your Contact Number

To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, applicants must meet physical residency requirement, please use the calculator below whether you meet the residency requirements criteria.

The requirements are listed below reflect the Citizenship Act under the new legislation
- Changes expected to come into effect in fall/autumn 2017
- Changes to the Citizenship Act that came into effect on June 19, 2017

Eligibility for Canadaian Citizenship:
  • Canadian Permanent residence Status is compulsory and before applying the applicant must be lived in canada for atleast four years(1460 days) out of past 6 years
  • There is no need for three year requirement that are under 18 but they must have Permanent residence Status
  • Enlish or French language is must for communication
  • Language Proficiency proofs are required for the age between 18 and 64.
  • Applicants having criminal history are not able to apply for the citizenship
  • Awareness about the rights and responsibilities of citizens is must as well as basic knowlege of Canada's geography, political system and history is required.
  • Submission of a formal application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC, formerly CIC) and pay a government processing fee and a right of citizenship fee is must.

Eligible candidates can apply for Canadian citizenship. Once approved, they will be required to take a citizenship test (for applicants between 18 and 54 only). Successful applicants must then attend a citizenship ceremony where they receive a certificate of Canadian citizenship and officially become new Canadian citizens.

Changes expected to come into effect in fall/autumn 2017

  1. To apply for the citizenship applicant's physical precence is must in Canada for three out of five years.
  2. Filing the Canadian income taxes is must, if required to do so under the Income Tax Act,or three out of five years, matching the new physical presence requirement.
  3. This provision is repealed.So, there is no need to meet this requirement.
  4. The days you lived in Canada can be counted as temporary resident or protected person before becoming a permanent resident as a half-day toward meeting the physical presence requirement for citizenship, up to a maximum credit of 365 days.
  5. The language and knowledge requirements for citizenship is compulsory for the age between 18 and 54.

The Canadian Citizenship Act: Changes that came into effect on June 19, 2017

  1. This provision is revoked.Canadian dual citizen who are sentence of these crimes will suppose to face the Candian justice System same as for Canadian citizen who break the law.
  2. This provision is repealed.If Once the citizenship is granted to an applicant then there is no need to live in Canada that means they can also live outside of Canada for their personal work.
  3. The age factor for citizenship has been removed so,minors can apply without a canadian parent.To apply for the citizenship the custody of minor or empowered to act on their behalf by court order, written agreement or operation of law is required,unless that requirement is waived by Minister.
  4. The citizenship is not given to an individual who is serving a conditional sentence,taking the Oath of Citizenship or counting this time towards meeting the physical presence requirements for citizenship.
  5. A stateless person can be considered for a discretionary grant of citizenship.
  6. There are reasonable measures to accomodate the needs of citizenship applicants.However, there is no citizenship act for the persons with disabilities.
  7. This requirement is applied to all the applications that are recieved before June 11, 2015.